Peruvian Classics is back! And Kusi is moving on!

November 25, 2023

Peruvian Classics is back! And Kusi is moving on!


We are incredibly excited to announce that Peruvian Classics is back! And the mission in Peru continues- Praise God! I'll spare you our personal details but we are humbled to see evidence of God's faithfulness in the lives of His servants and His work continuing in a dark corner of the world.

Kusi view

As many of you may remember, Scripture Union of Peru is building a community in the Yungay region of Peru. This community- Kusi- will be (and already is) a beacon of light in a remote and dark corner of the world. You can read more about the efforts here. Over the last three years, through the COVID pandemic, and despite many challenges along the way, the project continues! And we at Peruvian Classics are happy to be mobilizing again to support this incredible work.

Kusi chapel stained glass window
The stained glass window that will be a focal point of the new Chapel of the Good Shepherd in Kusi
We will share more about the progress here in coming weeks. But now, we are excited to announce a new line of Peruvian products imported exclusively to support this important work. 
2023 Peruvian Classics Collectible
2023 Peruvian Classics Collectible
I won't bore you so you can see the entire collection of new items in our store here
Until next time,
En Cristo Solo,

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