Camp Kusi - A Bright Light in a Dark Valley

December 04, 2024

Camp Kusi - A Bright Light in a Dark Valley

It has been a while since an update has posted. We apologize...but that does not mean nothing has happened! 

Camp Kusi is building, impacting lives, and shining a light in a dark valley. This summer supporters and donors from around the world came together and celebrated as the camp inaugurated and dedicated its auditorium and chapel. 

These buildings, while not grand, are beautiful in their own right and, more importantly, will serve as a means to share the Good News to the people in the Yungay region.

Additionally, the Kusi is serving as a gathering point for community events, church retreats, sports (okay, fútbol) events, and VBS programs. And while the Casa Girasoles is going through some changes as government rules and approvals concerning caring for homeless, abandoned, and at-risk children change, children are still finding a home with a madre and papa who tell that Jesus te ama.

And, finally, Kusi has its own website. Please visit this website for more information about Kusi, sign up for the Kusi mailing list, and check out the opportunities to travel to Kusi. There are several dates open for both Vision trips and Service trips in 2025. 

While Peruvian Classics will still publish information about the ministries in Peru, we do hope you will connect directly with the Kusi team and consider directly supporting them through Prayer, Giving, and Going...and of course by shopping with Peruvian Classics.

May God bless you this Christmas season.

En Cristo Solo,


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